Pirate Comedy Show . com
The Ship's Galle(r)y


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Pirate Comedy Show


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(audio, photos and videos)



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A map containing the location of a buried treasure chest full of pirate photos and video clips recently washed to shore in an old Jolt Cola bottle. As soon as we get our compass fixed, we'll be setting out to dig it up...

So, check back soon.

FESTIVALS! If you wish to download QuickTime versions of our promotional DVD, send an e-mail and we will give you the link.

Audio - sound portraits.

Where is the Renaissance (in the Festival)? (download here!)
Selections from the upcoming Pirate Comedy Show Album CD will appear here shortly.

Photos - portrait portraits.

CD Album Artwork

Videos - moving portraits.

About the Show (from 2004)
Interview segments with the actors behind Captain J.P. Boyd and Molly Mayrose.

See the Show (coming soon)
special edition version of the Curse of the Blackened Pearl: The True Story

There have been 57 pirates sacking the village within the past 24 hours.
64,212 visits to this page (16 today, 334 this week, 1,533 this month, 4,120 this year) [71 yesterday. Best day was 209 visitors]

Pirate Comedy Show - c/o AtTheFaire.com - P.O. Box 22031 - Des Moines, IA 50325-9401

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